hen Sri Lanka was announced as the wining project our team asked me to revive the award I was shocked. I revived the award from Gabriela Aguilar The country manager of Microsoft Sri Lanka Mr. Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne and Gaurav Mishra was also on the stage. After receiving the award the first two people I saw was Mithun and Wajira. They remind me our past how YES ~ Youth Empowerment Society brought us together with the thought of making a social change. At first people thought that it’s not going to work. There were days me and Mithun was the only ones in the yes meetings. We didn’t give up because we knew we will succeed one day. After Wajira coming in, our public relations department became very strong. Not only me, Mithun and Wajira every one in the team worked hard to bring YES to this place we are today. And this is just the beginning of our success.
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